文:慈晞 | 圖:網上圖片 | 2021.03.17
參學、遊歷、叩詢請益、尋求佛經梵本共十二年後,更領受師命於那爛陀寺講「攝大乘論」、「唯識抉擇論」,又作「會宗論」、「破惡見論」來駁斥當時佛教裡的邪知邪見者,名震一時。最終東行返國,結束十七年的西行之旅,請回佛像、佛舍利、佛經梵文原典,凡數百件;深為太宗、高宗所欽重,並賜號玄奘為「三藏法師」。 其後於長安建譯經院,給玄奘大師作為闡揚佛陀遺法的譯經場地。
在譯經的十九年當中,玄奘大師孜孜不倦領導翻譯經論七十五部共一千三百三十五卷,彌足珍貴。當中的最廣為人熟悉的是《般若波羅蜜多心經》僅僅 260 個字是大乘佛法的心要,被譽為佛教群經之典和萬法之首,是整個佛學的高度精髓。
The commemorative bronze statue locates in the city of Gaochang in China, fully demonstrates Master Xuanzang's strutting, undaunted courage, and a spirit towards to every unknown. He was troubled by numerous discrepancies and contradictions in the texts. He determined to start an arduous westward journey, life and death. Aiming for Dharma learning, he arrived in India finally.
Xuanzang visited every sacred site connected to the life of Buddha in India, intensively studying, humbly seeking advices and Buddhist scriptures for twelve years. He was honored to be invited teaching "Mahāyāna-samgraha" and "Treatise on the Establishment of the Doctrine of Consciousness Only " at the Nalanda Monastery, the great Buddhist Centre of Learning. As a Scholar, Xuanzang gained himself high reputation as well as the patronage by the King Harsha, ruler of North India. He’d continue his mission, decided to return to China and ended his seventeen-year westward journey.
Bringing along with him hundreds of Buddha statues, relics, original Sanskrit scriptures, Xuanzang was accorded a tumultuous welcome at the capital. In addition, he was highly valued by the Emperor Taizong and Gaozong who gave Xuanzang a title of "Master of Sanzang.” Soon after having built the Scripture Translation Institute in Chang'an, where he spent the reminder of his life translating the Buddhist scriptures.
During the nineteen years of hard work, Master Xuanzang tirelessly led the translation of 657 items packed in 520 cases of Buddhist scriptures brought from India. He was able to translate manuscripts in an extremely precise volume of 75 items, total of 1,335 chapters. The most widely known is the "Heart Sutra" what contains only 260 Chinese words, of which is the extracts of Mahayana Buddhism.
In 664, Master Xuanzang passed away at 63, his merits were fulfilled.